- Art studio and classes
- Beauty/barber salon
- Book clubs, creative writing, journaling
- Carondelet Village campus and community
- Volunteer program
- Ceramics/pottery studio
- Conservatory
- Conversation areas and sitting rooms
- Fitness system (M-Power)
- Gift shop
- Handicraft studio with sewing machines and quilting
- Large auditorium
- Library
- Media theater
- Music studio and appreciation
- Restaurant-style and casual bistro dining
- Rooftop and working gardens
- Small interest groups (stamp collecting ministry,
basket making paper art, discussion groups) - Technology studio with computers, printer,
volunteer scheduled computer support, and - Senior Surf Days
- Underground parking
- Village lounge area and gathering rooms
- Volunteer ride connections
- Weaving studio with floor looms
- Wireless Internet access throughout campus
- Wood Workshop
- Woodland & prairie walking areas